Dear Reader, How are you? How are your mind, body, and spirit doing? I'm writing to you today with a few exciting announcements, reminders, and reflections for the week :) Next Week! FREE Online Mini Writing Retreat on August 29thAs I look ahead to the fall, I'm excited to offer a FREE online mini writing retreat. At this time of transition, use these 75 minutes together to center, come into your creative vision, and make a plan for your writing for this fall! A FREE Online Mini Writing Retreat (75-90 minutes)
See more about this free online mini-retreat a little further down in this message :) On the Outer and the Inner: The Necessity of BothThese are important times for us here in the US—and globally. What we do now, in the next months and years, will have an enormous impact on our political, social, and ecological futures. I'm looking forward to getting involved in getting out the vote and advocating for broad compassionate, sustainable—and joyful!—action. I'm also looking forward to taking some time this fall to really sink into deeper quiet, contemplation, and writing. The two—our outer actions (in any arena) and our inner contemplation—go hand in hand. One of my favorite quotes is from Audre Lorde: "Poetry is not a luxury. It is a vital necessity… It forms the quality of the light within which we predicate our hopes and dreams toward survival and change, first made into language, then into idea, then into more tangible action..." We have somehow subtly been sold the idea that our creativity, our personal expression, is a luxury, a privilege. Our creative vision is necessary for us to create an energized future. If you feel blocked, uncertain, or lacking in energy, or if you feel yourself dipping into anxiety or grief, without a path forward, engaging in a focused creative practice can be one of the best ways forward. So if you're feeling ready to kick-start a new writing practice or reengage, refocus, or reignite your current writing practice, I hope you'll join my upcoming in-depth, intimate in-person writing retreat, Finding Joy Through Writing Poetry. :) Register Now! Omega 5-Day In-Person Writing Retreat: A Little Over a Month Away & Limited Seats AvailableWondering if this retreat is right for you? Consider the following questions. Do any (or all) of these resonate with you?
In my upcoming writing retreat at Omega Institute (in the gorgeous Hudson Valley, only 90 miles outside of New York City), you will have FIVE full days to focus ENTIRELY on your own writing, your own creative vision. Our days will be filled with inspiring literature, contemplative practices, mindful movement, nature walks, creative exploration, and community and are designed to support and inspire you as you embark on a journey of deep self-exploration and transformation. Here's a little sneak peek at what your time at Omega might look like :) Here are four more reasons to sign up for this one-of-a-kind experience today :)
This retreat is for writers of all levels and backgrounds writing in any genre. We will be using poetry to inspire us, but you need not be a poet or consider yourself a poet to attend. You are more than welcome to write in any genre during our time together. I believe the retreat will be an invaluable investment in the well-being of your whole self Learn more about the retreat here or at the button below.
And whether you can make the in-person retreat or not, I hope you'll join me online next week live. Next week's free online mini-retreat: This will be a time to settle into your own creative intentions and vision and make a plan for how to stay aligned with that vision over the next months. I'll lead you in meditation, prompts and more. And we'll explore how to create space and focus for your creativity this fall--even while staying engaged with everything else around you. I'll also answer any questions about the in-person Omega retreat. Come with a project you're already working on, a question, or simply with curiosity about what wants to emerge. Thursday, August 29th at 3:00pm ET / 12:00pm PT / 8:00pm England I hope to see you there! (Can't make the mini-retreat live? I'll also send out the recording, to everyone who signs up, but do come live if you can!) Some of my greatest periods of transformation and inspiration have been when I've been able to focus my attention on one question, one project, and clear space for it. I'd love to share that experience with you. When we're intentional about our creativity, we can set our course for the days, months, and years ahead. with love, PS: UPCOMING EVENTSFree Online Mini Writing Retreat Thursday, August 29th 3:00pm-4:30pm ET. See more and sign up for free here. Finding Joy through Poetry: In-Person Immersive Retreat at the beautiful Omega Campus in Rhinebeck New York. September 29-October 4th. Learn more and register here. Poetry of Attention A-synchronous online Poetry Class with live coaching and community support. Fall in love with poetry as a comtemplative practice, read, write and live with greater attention, and write your best work. We start October 11th. Join the Waitlist here to be the first to be notified when enrollment opens this fall. See more and join the waitlist to be notified when enrollment opens here. |
At Align Your Story Writing School, we bring traditional literary and creative writing studies together with mindfulness, embodied practices, and social and environmental engagement. Join a community of over 25,000 other mindful writers. Get the tools and community to write your best work.
Dear Reader, I hope you're doing well! I want to thank you so very much for the outpouring of support and concern when I shared about my accident. Your messages meant so much to me! The surgery on my wrist went smoothly, and I'm recovering well (and doing my exercises and learning how to navigate with minimal use of my dominant hand). This is my birthday week! It's also roughly the one-year anniversary of the publication of my poetry book, I Say the Sky, and I have two special offerings to...
Dear Reader, How are you doing? The election news is big, and I’ve been taking time to process it. There are many people talking about and analyzing the election results, but I found myself feeling very quiet yesterday. I needed to go inward. I needed to slow down, to be with myself, and listen to my body. I encourage you to do the same. Take your time with your processing. Feel everything that you're feeling. Be gentle with yourself. Remember to breathe. Reach out to friends; hug people;...
Dear Reader, I spent last week canvassing in Philadelphia. For me, going out and canvassing is an act of love, an act of working for our world, for our country, and for all people in the ways I know best to do at this particular moment. Yesterday, when I got home, I spent some time trying to put my experiences into words and found myself unable to do it very well. Then my daughter, Simone, sent me an article she wrote about her experience canvassing in Michigan this month. I found it captured...